
Arm Balance Yoga Poses

Arm Balance Yoga Poses

06 Sessions
Sessions in this pack

Upper Body Strength for Arm Balance 1

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27 Min

Inch Worm, Adho Mukha Svanasana To Plank


Upper Body Strength for Arm Balance 2

Locked content

20 Min

Hasta Uttanasana - Yogic Squat (dynamic), Dandasana


Core Strength for Arm Balances 1

Locked content

19 Min

Adho Mukha Svanasana To Plank, Vrikshasana + Variation


Core Strength for Arm Balances 2

Locked content

19 Min

Dandasana, Vrikshasana


Basic Arm Balances

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24 Min

Sirshasana (head stand), Prasaritha Padottanasana Twist - Finger Tip On The Mat


Intermediate Arm Balances

Locked content

25 Min

Kakasana, Malasana

About this pack

This pack will help you move past fear, build better balance, strengthen your arm and core muscles and learn and practice arm balancing poses.


Strengthening the core and upper body


Improving Balance

What to Expect from Arm Balances
This pack contains six sessions specially designed to give you stronger arms along with concentrating on upper body and core strengthening. Each session varies between twenty to thirty minutes and is made up of a mix of exercises to work out different parts of the body. Each session begins with a warm up and then proceeds to the main exercise for that session. Your instructor performs along with you to show you the correct poses and guides you through each exercise. Some of the different exercises include dolphin pushup and planks. The best part about these sessions is that you can work out every day as per your time and convenience or you can simply click on schedule to plan your session days and time. You can also practice these arm balance yoga poses multiple times till your feel your body is feeling stronger.
What are our arms?
Our arms are as critical for our functioning as any other body part and comprise of four main parts including: Hand Wrist Forearm Upper arm When we exercise our arms by doing yoga asanas, we workout four muscles including: Biceps, Brachii, Brachialis, and Coracobrachialis in the anterior compartment. Triceps brachii in the posterior compartment. All these muscles, along with the joints and bones, in the arms help us perform hundreds of movements like moving our fingers, flexing the thumb, picking up and lifting things, extending the arms, etc. Achieving balance in our arms through hatha yoga is a great way to practice balance, breath movement, and stability of the body and mind.
What is yoga for arm balance?
Arm balance yoga poses are a series of yoga asanas that not only target your upper body and torso but also offer great strengthening benefits for the entire body. These arm balance asanas are designed to strengthen, tone, and balance the muscles in our arms, core, and legs.
How effectively can we do yoga for arm balance at home?
Arm balance yoga poses are not as challenging as they seem and can be easily done at home once you master their technique. For an effective routine of yoga arm balances, you do not need complicated or expensive equipment. This is how you can do arm balances at home: For doing arm balances at home, choose a calm and clean space. The spot that you choose for doing arm balance yoga poses should not have things that obstruct your movements. You just need a yoga mat to do your arm balance yoga poses.
Who can do arm balance yoga poses?
Arm balance yoga poses can and should be done by anyone who has a goal to be fitter and healthier. Arm balance asanas are customisable and can be done by everyone including: Older adults, who can do simpler yoga arm balance asanas. Children can easily do arm balance yoga poses. People who have suffered injuries and are recuperating can do arm balances. People recovering from surgeries can safely do arm balances. However, anyone who is suffering from any health issues or falls in the above-mentioned categories must consult her/his doctor before starting with arm balance poses.
Who should avoid arm balance yoga poses?
People who are suffering from any of the following health conditions, must not start practicing arm balance poses before consulting their doctor: Avoid practicing arm balance yoga poses if you have recently suffered from an injury, especially in your arms, legs, or back. Pregnant women must avoid arm balance yoga poses to avoid decompressing their stomach and falling. Yoga arm balances must be avoided if you are suffering from fever, cold, or flu. You should avoid yoga arm balances if you are suffering from stress to avoid over-heating of the body that may result in palpitations and anxiety. People who have undergone a recent surgery must avoid doing arm balance poses. Arm stand yoga poses must not be done by someone who is sleep-deprived to avoid injuries. People who gave recently suffered an asthma attack, heart attack, head injury, etc., should not do arm stand yoga asanas.
What is the list of the best arm balance yoga poses?
Here is a list of some of the most effective arm balance yoga poses. We have included arm balance poses of yoga for beginners and for those at intermediate and advanced experience levels: Downward dog (Adho Mukha Shvanasana) Dolphin (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana) Side plank Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrikshasana) Inchworm Standing back bens (Hasta Uttanasana) Staff pose (Dandasana)
Arm balance yoga poses explained.
Here is a step-by-step detailed explanation of some of the best arm balance yoga poses for men and women: Downward dog (Adho Mukha Shvanasana) This is one of the best arm balancing poses for beginners that help in initiating you into the routine of these exercises and helps in toning your arms, chest, and abs. Start with getting into an all-fours position ensuring that your palms are under the shoulders and your knees below your hips. Slowly lift your hips as you straighten your knees and elbows as you form an inverted ‘V’ shape. Push your heels to the floor and gaze towards your toes. Total time: Hold the pose for 10-20 seconds Total sets: 3-4 sets of 5-6 reps Dolphin (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana) This is a very effective pose for arm balance in yoga, especially for beginners that not only strengthens your body to prepare for inversions but also makes your arms, shoulders, and upper back area strong. Start by getting down on your knees and hands and keep your forearms on the floor while ensuring that your elbows and shoulders are parallel to each other. Raise your back and hips slowly as you tuck your toes and keep your legs straight. Now release your neck by raising your shoulders away from the ears. Walk in slowly towards your arms. Total time: Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds Total sets: 3-4 sets of 5-6 reps Side plank This is one of the best poses for arm balance in yoga to help beginners to learn how to balance their body weight on their arms. This is also an excellent pose to tone your core and shoulders. Get into the Downward Dog position and shift on the outside edge of your left foot as you stack your right foot atop the left. Swing your right hand slowly over your right hip and turn your torso in the same direction. Your body weight should be supported on the left foot and hand. Position your supporting hand slightly in front of your shoulder. Straighten the arm by firming your triceps and pressing the base of your index fingers firmly against the floor as you align your body into a diagonal line. Total time: Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds Total sets: 4-5 sets of 2-3 reps Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrikshasana) This is an advanced pose of arm balance in yoga that not only takes away the fear of falling but is also very effective for strengthening your arms, shoulders, and wrists. Start by getting into the Downward Dog pose around 1-2 feet away from a wall. Press your hands into the ground slightly keeping them shoulder-width apart. Lift your hips above you, squeeze your thighs together and lift your legs and feet above your head. Align your body so that it is in a straight line over your hands. Total time: Hold the pose for 5-6 seconds Total sets: 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps Inchworm This is one of the best arm balancing poses for beginners that strengthens the muscles of your anterior chain and stretches those in the back half of your body. Start by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart. Your ears should be directly over your shoulders and your hips, knees, and ankles. Look down slowly towards the ground and start reaching your hands towards the floor as you bend forward. Place your hands in front of you on the floor and walk them forward as you allow your heels to lift off. When your hands are under your shoulders, you should be in a full plank position with your body forming a straight line from head to heels. Keeping your legs straight, begin walking your feet forward one at a time. Stop when your feet are close to your hands. Return to the standing position by slowly rolling your back up from the hips. Total time: Hold the pose for 4-5 seconds Total sets: 3-4 sets of 5-6 reps Standing back bend (Hasta Uttanasana) Also known as the raised arms pose, this is one of the best arm balancing yoga poses for toning and strengthening your arms, shoulders, chest, neck, and upper & lower back. This is the 2nd and the 11th pose of the Surya Namaskar routine. Start by standing straight and raising both your arms above your head. Bend your trunk and head backward to create a slight curve. Hold the pose for a few seconds and come back to the starting position. Total time: Hold the pose for 5-6 seconds Total sets: 4-5 sets of 8-10 reps Staff pose (Dandasana) This is not only one of the best arm balancing yoga poses for stretching and toning your arms and shoulders, but is also very beneficial for strengthening your back muscles and improving posture. Start by sitting on the floor with your legs joined and extended in the front of your torso. Engage your thigh muscles and flex both feet and keep your palms flat on the floor on either side of your hips. You may bend your knees if needed. Stack your shoulders directly on the top of your hips. Total time: Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds Total sets: 3-4 sets of 5-6 reps
What are the benefits of doing arm balance yoga poses?
Continuous practice of arm balancing yoga poses has tremendous benefits for our mind and body like: Since arm balancing yoga poses involve the balancing of your body weight on your arms and shoulders, they are extremely effective for building isometric strength in the muscles of the chest, shoulders, and arms. Yoga hand balance exercises also improve the strength of your abdomen area, spine, and hips. This helps in improving the rotational flexibility in these parts and bettering your range of motion. One of the most important arm balances yoga benefits is that since they help in stretching the muscles, they are very effective in alleviating chronic pains. Yoga hand balance exercises are a great way to reduce the negative impact of the sedentary lifestyle that we have got used to. Since our upper body is hardly challenged during the day, arm balance yoga poses offer the necessary strength and stability to our upper body reducing injuries. These exercises serve as very effective poses of yoga for weight loss since they involve working out your entire body. Doing arm balance yoga poses requires a great deal of energy and breathwork. When paired with the right inhaling and exhaling techniques, these yoga hand balance exercises help in improving the circulation of blood to the brain and boosts our prana flow. Since arm balance yoga poses are quite challenging and intimidating, mastering them improves your self-esteem and self-confidence that comes with achieving something important. Since arm balance yoga poses require you to balance your body, it helps in encouraging your mind to concentrate and focus. This helps in inducing mindfulness and reducing stress.
What are the disadvantages of doing arm balance yoga poses?
While there are no inherent disadvantages of arm balance yoga poses, there are certain risks that may occur due to not following the steps or instructions properly. These include: Without proper training poses like headstand may cause serious neck injuries. Arm balance yoga poses when not done properly, may cause injuries in the wrist, shoulder, and back. When done by pregnant women, they may lead to decompression in the abdomen and pose a risk to the pregnancy.
What are the do’s and don’ts for arm balance yoga poses?
Here are some things to keep in mind while doing arm balance yoga poses: Do’s: Practice yoga hand balance exercises in clean and calm surroundings. Practice these asanas on an empty stomach. Do a brief warm-up session before starting the asanas. Stay hydrated. End the asanas with a cooling down session. Don’ts: Yoga arm balances for beginners should not be started without proper instructions from an experienced trainer. Don’t perform these exercises if you are ill or stressed. Don’t perform arm balance yoga poses if you have suffered recent injuries in your wrist, shoulder, or back.
What are the things required to do arm balance yoga poses if you are at the home and gym?
You need these things while practicing arm balance yoga poses at the home or gym: A good quality yoga mat. Breathable and comfortable clothing. A water bottle. Apps or DVDs for visual instructions.
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