What can you expect from Breathing Practices?
About the pack: This pack focuses purely on meditation techniques pertaining to breathing. We begin every breathing session by being seated in the meditation posture with legs crossed and our palms placed loosely on our thighs and take deep breaths through our nose and let them out slowly and easily through the mouth also known as breathe in breathe out yoga. This helps relax your mind and body with every breath you take.
About Aum chanting:
Then we move on to the main breathing exercises such as Aum chanting which involves taking a deep breath in and humming the sound Aum and other breathing techniques such as Brahmari, Alternating nostril breathing, Ajapa Japa, Yofic breathing and more. These breathing exercises have an effect not only on your physical health but also on your mood, senses and motions. It helps calm and stimulate the mind through rhythmic breathing yoga for lungs, improves metabolic activities, aids in sleep, enhances cognitive performance and much more. The whole series is designed in such a way that you can easily understand and follow the instructions even if you haven’t done it before.