This series focuses on a very important stage called 'Sankalpa' ( Life goal/Resolution ). The in-between state of mind we achieve in Yoga Nidra is ideal to completely absorb a positive resolution and internalise it. Repeated practice also reinforces the 'Sankalpa' stage.
Clarity on life purpose
Effortless pursuit of life goals
Increasing motivation to achieve life goals
What can you expect from Yoga Nidra Series-4?
About Yoga Nidra: Yoga Nidra is always done in Shavasana or the corpse posture. Before you begin your session, ensure you remove all accessories that you are wearing to be absolutely comfortable.
Get started:
In the first session, like always, we begin with basic breathing exercises before starting with our meditation techniques. In the initial part of the series, we focus on your breathing and bring your attention to different parts of your body starting with your toes, moving upward and relax them as you listen to the audio. This technique is known as rotation of awareness.
Learn visualization:
In the next session, we experience the power of visualization before finally moving on to the last technique known as Sankalpa. Along with the rotation of awareness and visualization, sankalpa is a very powerful practice that is actually not that hard once you practise it regularly. Now, in the last session, you focus on the goals that are most important to you, ones that matter the most and instill them in your mind. Now, that you have a gist of what’s in store for you, let’s begin our first session.